Exercises to strengthen chest muscles

Beauty secrets for your breasts

Breast exercises are something that is necessary whether you are happy with the way your breasts look or not. The chest, like the whole body, needs to be exercised to prevent it from losing its firmness, or in simpler terms, from becoming stagnant! With the right exercises on a regular basis, it is also possible to restore breast firmness if it has been lost, to lift the breasts by strengthening their muscles and thus to improve the appearance of the breasts in a very visible way.

Of course, no exercise can work miracles in a very short space of time – when you start doing regular breast exercises, you should expect to see the first results in about a month. There are many different types of breast exercises, the best option is to consult your trainer if you have one, as they will be able to recommend the best set of exercises for you. But if you’re the kind of woman who doesn’t go to the gym at the moment, don’t worry – there are exercises that you can do at home at your own convenience, and you’ll get results.

Breasts are one of the parts of the body that distinguish girls from boys – delicate, soft, intimate. How to take care of them?

French women are said to use cold showers to keep their breasts firm and virginal. But as this is a rather drastic method, we tried to find some gentler ways to take care of the beauty of the breasts.

Unfortunately, we cannot change the shape and size of our breasts very much unless we decide to resort to plastic surgery and questionable herbal treatments, because breasts are made of fatty tissue. Breast size depends on the amount of fat that accumulates in a particular area, but until now there has been no way to direct those extra calories directly to the breasts instead of the hips or thighs.

Exercises for breast beauty

These three exercises should be performed 8 to 15 times, one to three times, two to three times a week.

  1. exercise
    A push-up to be performed with crossed ankles. Lean back on the floor with your hands and knees, then lower down in a straight line until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Don’t try to reach the floor with your chin.
  2. exercise
    In a way, this is weightlifting. Use dumbbells (you can use tins instead, by the way), one in each hand. Lie on the floor and raise the dumbbells above your head so that your arms are perpendicular to your shoulders and your palms are facing away from your body. Engage your abdominal muscles, but keep your back straight. Don’t press your back into the floor and don’t let it arch. Then lower your arms with the dumbbells to your sides so that they are at right angles to your body and your elbows lightly touch the floor. Push the dumbbells up again, but don’t bend your elbows and keep your shoulder blades pressed into the floor.
  3. exercise
    Repeat the previous exercise, keeping the cushions under the upper body and the palms facing each other when lifting the dumbbells. Then extend your arms and lower your weight until your elbows touch the floor. Then bring the dumbbells up again, always keeping the elbows bent. As you do the exercise, imagine that you are trying to grasp a large barrel on your chest with your hands.
    Now that you’ve strengthened your chest muscles, you can finish the workout with some squats.

Breast support

If your breasts have started to grow, make sure you wear a bra. Also buy some good quality sports bras for sports lessons and classes. Your chest needs to be protected to keep its shape, especially if you have to jump up and down during exercise. Plus, sports bras are really comfortable and made of skin-friendly materials (like cotton) that you can wear on a daily basis.

Decollete skin care

  • If you have mild acne, clean your skin with a cotton wool soaked in calendula tincture and then apply an anti-acne product.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing to prevent sweating, which can contribute to pimples. A mud or clay mask, applied twice a week, will help to cleanse the pores.
  • Don’t rub or scrub acne, as this will irritate your already sensitive skin even more. If the rash persists, consult a dermatologist.

For large-breasted women

Special shapes always attract the attention of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, most only dream of girls with big breasts. In real life, they are afraid of them. Masculine guys have no problem with a woman’s shape, character or soul. There is also a nasty category of guys who think that big boobs can and should be ripped. The behaviour of a crazy male zebrafish is even more unpleasant than a quiet fidget.

At least there is no risk of serious injury. In general, men’s attitudes to large breasts probably remain the same throughout their lives. Many people try to let go, especially if they’ve had a few drinks at an event.

Sexbomb and Pamela syndrome

The latter category includes guys who really shouldn’t be considered as such at all because they are acquaintances or classmates, and therefore people who are used to not tipping their hands or are cultured and polite. But neither the former nor the latter stops them from running their mouths. That’s why the owner of big breasts goes by nicknames like ham in a net, airbomb, sexbomb, pig, Pamela, etc. etc.

Of course, if you were a grown woman, you might look at this situation with a cooler head, but at the moment, such statements can not only annoy you, but also hurt you. So whoever mentions ham in a net should make it clear that you don’t want to hear it anymore. No one is allowed to touch your feminine form, so you can say whatever you think of her.